December 23, 2010


Wish I'd noted the settings for this shot, which shows an underwater exhibit at the Pittsburgh Zoo Aquarium. Many of the others I took had glare or a filmy sheen or other imperfection. I think the exposure and other settings for this shot was just right.

ALASKA, July, 2010

Took this shot from a boat in Resurrection Bay by Seward while we were on our way to Fox Island. What a grand spot. Terrific atmospherics and a very evocative landscape. This is classic Alaskan coastline along the Kenai Peninsula as imagined by all of us wannabes from the lower 48.

Here's a whale skeleton on the grounds of the First Alaskan Natives Museum in Anchorage. Many good exhibits and live aleuts and others there to see, meet and talk to. We learned a lot about the native history and development that we never knew. A nice side trip.

September 19, 2008

Here is a picture that I didn't take, but it's one of my favorites. Tell me how you think this shot might have been improved.